Oasis Courses

Oasis courses are for anyone looking for new perspectives on life in the face of challenging circumstances. Facilitated by experienced therapists Pauline MarksteinerNicole Weinberger and Karin Jarman. Participants are able to explore their inner landscapes in a safe and nurturing environment.

Next Course “Compassionate Self” (details to follow)

10 sessions starts: 15th September 2021

One year course: Making Sense of Life

Our central course is aimed at anyone looking for new perspectives in life in the face of challenging life circumstances. It is a year-long programme structured into 3 terms or ‘Pathways’, each of 12 weeks. During this course, participants explore their biographies, from conception to the present and beyond. This course starts in either September, January or April.

Participants are expected to commit to all 3 pathways if at all possible. The maximum size of the group is eight, plus the two facilitators.

For more information about this course, visit the ‘Making Sense of Life’ course page.

12 week courses

Our 12 week courses have evolved organically from questions that arise during the year-long course. They offer an opportunity to look in more detail at specific life themes and are run as and when the need is felt, as participants of the year-long course often want to continue their exploration. However, completion of the longer course is not a requirement. These courses are open to anyone, regardless of age or gender.

The courses we regularly run are as follows:


All Oasis courses take place on Wednesday, at 2.00 – 5.00pm
Each session includes a break with bring-and-share refreshments.


St. Luke’s Medical Centre
Cainscross Road
Gl5 4EX
(view map)


The cost of Oasis courses is assessed according to each individual’s means. Participants interested in joining a course will be invited for an initial interview, during which they will be asked what level of financial commitment they can make. Please understand that once agreed, this financial commitment is binding and needs to be paid even if, for whatever reason, you are unable to attend a session.